Does Cold Milk Make Babies Spit Up More

What baby doesn’t love cold, sweet milk? Even when it’s fresh or just out of the refrigerator, some moms swear their babies like cold milk and spit up less after drinking it. But is there any scientific proof that cold milk makes babies happy and helps keep them from spitting up?

Parents have found that cold milk does seem to reduce the amount of spitting up in some babies. As if this wasn’t already a bonus, some believe that cold milk is more easily digested by a baby’s sensitive stomach. Some gastroenterologists even suggest cold milk for relief of mild reflux symptoms in babies. But is there any scientific proof, or is cold milk just a parenting myth?

A team of researchers studied this very question. They found that cold milk was indeed more palatable to babies who were given the choice. This means that, when presented with both cold and warm milk, in a warm environment, these babies chose the cold. This suggests that cold milk is more agreeable to babies due to its stabilizing temperature. But the study also found that cold milk did not offer any real digestive advantages.

So, it might be okay to offer cold milk if your baby’s preference. “The most important thing is to provide your baby with the nutrients it needs,” says Dr. Richard Besser, chief health and medical editor for ABC News. Cold milk can provide these nutrients and be easier on your baby’s digestive system.

Hydration Benefits

The benefit of cold milk is that it provides your baby with essential hydration. Babies are used to drinking breastmilk or formula, both of which are warm. So, offering cold milk can be a nice change of pace. According to nutrition experts, hydration is essential for baby’s development and growth. This means that giving cold milk can provide your baby with the nutrients it needs without increasing the amount of spitting up or any other digestive issues.

It’s important to note that you should never force your baby to drink cold milk if it makes them uncomfortable. Instead, offer different fluids such as water or juice to make sure your baby stays hydrated. You should also watch for signs of dehydration in your baby such as a dry or cracked tongue, fever, or restlessness. If your baby exhibits these symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

Experts also suggest that it’s not a good idea to give your baby cold milk if you’re dealing with any digestive issues like diarrhea, gas, or vomiting. This is because cold milk can increase these symptoms, according to pediatricians.

Temperature Difference

When it comes to cold milk, it’s important to remember that the temperature of the milk can change from time to time. According to experts, cold milk can range in temperature from 5 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius. If it’s warmer than this, your baby may not drink it due to a temperature difference. In this case, it’s best to keep the milk refrigerated and stir it regularly to get an even temperature.

On the other hand, warm milk can usually be kept at room temperature for up to two hours before it needs to be refrigerated. If you think about this in terms of digestion, it’s best to give warm milk to your baby as it is easier to digest and may reduce the amount of spitting up.

Nutrition Timing

When it comes to giving your baby cold milk, it’s best to do it slowly and at the right time. This means that you should only give cold milk in small sips, especially during the first few weeks of feeding. Experts suggest that you should wait at least 30 minutes between feeds and only give cold milk when it’s time to feed your baby.

This will help your baby adjust to the new temperature. You should also consider the amount of nutrition that your baby needs and how to best give it. Cold milk has fewer nutrients than warm milk, so it is best to give your baby a combination of both.

Health Benefits

When it comes to cold milk, experts suggest that it can be beneficial for some babies. Its stabilizing temperature can help to reduce any digestive issues that your baby may be having. This means that cold milk can help to settle any tummy problems that your baby may have.

Now, this doesn’t mean that cold milk should be your baby’s only source of nutrition. Cold milk does still contain nutrients and can help to keep your baby hydrated. Plus, as mentioned before, it’s more palatable to babies and can help to keep them from spitting up.


In conclusion, cold milk can be beneficial for some babies and may help to reduce the amount of spitting up. Experts suggest that cold milk can provide essential hydration and help to settle any digestive issues that your baby may be experiencing. However, parents should still be aware that cold milk does not provide as many nutrients as warm milk and should not replace other sources of nutrition.

Tips For Feeding Cold Milk

When giving your baby cold milk, there are some tips that can help. This includes offering small sips of cold milk every 30 minutes, which can help to settle the baby’s tummy. You should also keep the milk refrigerated and stir it regularly to get an even temperature. Lastly, experts suggest that cold milk should not be the only source of nutrition for your baby and should be complemented with warm milk for additional nutrients.

Safety Precautions

Parents should be aware that cold milk can cause health issues if it’s not given properly. This includes dehydration, which can be serious for babies. You should also watch for signs of dehydration like dry or cracked tongue, fever, or restlessness and contact your doctor right away if these symptoms appear. Additionally, cold milk should not be given to a baby with digestive issues such as diarrhea, gas, or vomiting.

Additional Suggestions

In addition to these tips, it’s important to remember that cold milk is not a replacement for other sources of nutrition. You should still feed your baby a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. You should also consider the amount of nutrition that your baby needs and make sure to provide them with the nutrients they need for proper growth and development.

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark is a food writer, specializing in dairy products. He has been writing about dairy foods for over 10 years, and has been published in a variety of magazines and online publications. His articles focus on the nutritional value of dairy products, as well as exploring interesting recipes and ways to incorporate dairy into meals.

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